We are currently working on building a digital energy lab that will be able to sample and collect data from the Danish energy system and manage it through our energy data warehouse. The lab will be designed to be a big data platform using Casandra, Kafka, and Spark software from Apache Software Foundation; recognized for its scalability and performance.
This platform will give researchers, students, and industrial partners access to a unique collection of real time data management for research and innovation.
The lab also includes a high performance computing (HPC) cluster, which enables us to analyse more advanced data in much shorter time and thereby expands the capabilities for developing and testing new digital energy solutions.
We plan to have the Digital Energy Lab completely in place by medio 2022. Still, we urge our customers and collaboration partners to contact us for relevant testing and demonstrations as several energy data from different living labs and smart communities will be stored continually throughout the process.
All energy data will be collected in a DMS called EnergyDataDK.
The overall vision of the Digital Energy Lab is to develop advanced testing facilities and thus help accelerate the development of a Danish position of strength as one of the leading nations in data-driven solutions in the energy field and thereby enable an efficient green transition.
Digital Energy Lab will be built as a brand new digital layer on top of PowerLabDK's physical laboratory facilities. With this new infrastructure PowerLabDK will become a more significant test environment for new technologies, services and solutions within intelligent energy solutions with up to 100% VE installed.
Digital Energy Lab will provide access to real-time data from several different Living Labs as well as the possibility of connecting data to both real-time simulator, high-performance computing and advanced optimization and control algorithms, among other things based on machine learning and AI.
EnergyDataDK bliver kontinuerligt udviklet i samarbejde med vores partnere.
EnergyDataDK blev oprindelig støttet af EUDP og blev afsluttet august 2022. EnergyDataDK er efterfølgende blevet videreudviklet og udvidet blandt andet med data fra Bornholm med støtte fra EU. EnergyDataDK fungerer nu som selvstændig dataplatform og hub for digitale løsninger.
EnergyDataDK er en del af DTU’s PowerLabDK og er et digitalt hub for test og udvikling af digitale energiløsninger.
Har du spørgsmål er du velkommen til at kontakte os på EnergydataDK@dtu.dk