Table of contents

API descriptions

1. Introduction

This document gives a short description of the APIs that makes available to the user.

If you are looking for a general introduction to the platform, please refer to the user manual.

The platform has three APIs: Datastream, MQTT and Batch Upload. They are described in the following sections.

Please note, that you need a token to access data through the APIs. The token serves as userID & password to verify that you are allowed to access the data. Please note, that you can get a general introduction to the API in the user manual in the API section.

Please report any error in this document or suggestions for improvement to

2. API for datastream values has an API which can be used for retrieving the latest value or a values in a time span for one or more data streams (property ids). The API is to be in programs / script that shall fetch data from In order to use the script a token must be supplied, please see the user guide for how to create a token. 

2.1 API description

http:get:: /api/v1/datastreams/values 

Retrieve values for one or more properties.
The properties which have their values retrieved depend on the query parameter ids. This should be a comma-separated list of datastream IDs.

The resource can be used to retrieve either the latest values, or values which correspond to a timespan.
Please note that this resource does not return JSON for successful requests. In these cases, response data is streamed back to the client as CSV. But you should still specify Accept: application/json in the header to ensure errors are returned to the client as JSON.

Parameters for the API are: 

2.2 Example request: Retrieving latest values

To retrieve the latest values for the given properties, the query parameter latest must be present.

GET /api/v1/datastreams/values?ids=65603,65607,65863&latest=true HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <your-token>

2.2.1 Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Description: File Transfer

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=data.csv

Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8

Transfer-Encoding: chunked





To retrieve all values for the given properties inside a timespan, the query parameters from and to must be present. These must be formatted as YYYY-mmddTHH:MM:SS, e.g. 2018-02-01T12:30:00. Note that both from and to are inclusive.

2.3 Example request: Retrieving values for a given timespan

GET /api/v1/datastreams/values?ids=65603,65607,65863&from=2018-0201T00:00:00&to=2018-02-02T00:00:00 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <your-token>

2.3.1 Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Description: File Transfer

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=data.csv

Content-Type: text/csv; charset=UTF-8

Transfer-Encoding: chunked





















3. MQTT API provides a real-time publishing and subscription API. This API serves two purposes: 

The API is built on top of the MQTT protocol, version 3.1.1.

This section describes how to connect to the MQTT broker, how MQTT topics relate to datasets defined in the and specifies the format and content of messages exchanged on these topics. 

3.1 Connecting

The MQTT broker is available at, and is open for MQTT connections on port 8883. 

3.2 Authentication

Before you can connect to the broker, you must create a token in, with the mqtt pubsub permission as well permission to use the licenses that gives you access to the datasets you want.

When connecting you must use the token as the username.

An example in Python (requires paho-mqtt <>_):

#! /usr/bin/env python

import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
broker_host = ''
broker_port = 8883
heartbeat = 60

def connect_logger(client, userdata, flags, rc)
  print('Connected with rc {}'.format(rc))
  client = mqtt.Client(client_id='<your client_ID name>')
  # NOTE! Above works on paho version less than 2.0.0. If you use paho ver. 2 or later, you need to specify call-back version. E.g.:
  # client = mqtt.Client(client_id='myclient', callback_api_version=mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION1)
  client.on_connect = connect_logger
  client.connect(broker_host, broker_port, heartbeat)

An example using the mosquitto_sub command-line client (bundled with Mosquitto: <>_):

#! /bin/bash
mosquitto_sub -t '#' \
 -h \
 -p 8883 \
 -i '<your client_ID name>' \
 -u 'your-token'

3.3 Topics and Datasets

In time series are defined as datastreams and grouped into a dataset.

To send data to using MQTT, you must create a dataset with a topic prefix and a datastream within that dataset with a topic suffix. The topic prefix is one string of alphanumerics, the suffix can be several alphanumeric strings separated by /. So if the prefix is my-topic-prefix and the suffix is my/topic/suffix , the complete MQTT topic of that datastream is my-topic-prefix/my/topic/suffix.

This topic will be used on the MQTT broker, to identify the datastream.

Examples with Mosquitto:

#! /bin/bash

mosquitto_sub -t 'my-topic-prefix/my/topic/suffix' \
  -h \
  -p 8883 \
  -i '<your client_ID name>' \
  -u 'your-token'
#! /bin/bash

mosquitto_pub -t 'my-topic-prefix/my/topic/suffix' \
  -h \
  -p 8883 \ -i '<your client_ID name>' \
  -u 'your-token'
  -m '{"value":"0.16300000250339508","timestamp":1521797973052}'

3.4 Message format

MQTT messages can be formatted a one of two types:

  1. Single value message
  2. Multi value message

3.4.1 Single value messages

Single value messages contain a timestamp and value, as described in the table below. The datastream associated with the message is inferred from the MQTT topic. 

Key Type Required Description Example
timestamp Integer Yes Number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 (Unix epoch) 1521797973469
value String, Double or Integer Yes Value, encoded either as String, Double or Integer, depending on property definition in DMS 14.47

Example message:


    "timestamp": 1521797973469,

    "value": 14.47


3.5 Multi value messages

Multi value messages are used in situations where you need to publish several different but related values. They will be persisted with the same timestamp in the same dataset, on topics specified that follows.

Multi value messages are published with the topic prefix as the topic of the mqtt message, for example my-topic-prefix. The payload has the following form:

    "timestamp": 1521797973469,
    "value": {
    "my/topic/suffix1": 14.47,
    "my/topic/suffix2": 34,
    "my/topic/suffix3": 4.87,
    "my/topic/suffix4": 1,
    …. ,
    "my/topic/suffixn": 300

All message payloads must be serialized as JSON.

3.6 Best Practices - Ensuring Message Delivery on Publish

When publishing to using MQTT you should use Quality of Service (QoS) 1 to ensure that messages are delivered. This is especially important if you publish with a high throughput, as overload protection mechanisms can discard your messages. Why and how is described in detail below. 

When the MQTT broker receives a publish message from your client, the message is added to a queue of incoming messages. This queue is per-client, and can contain up to 1000 messages. Messages in the queue are dequeued serially in a FIFO manner. When dequeued, the MQTT broker checks that the client is authorized for publishing messages on the given topic. 

If authorization succeeds, the message is forwarded for storage in, and to any clients subscribed to the given topic. If the message was published with QoS 1 or 2, the MQTT broker sends the acknowledgement after authorization succeeds. 

If authorization does not succeed, the client is immediately disconnected and any messages in the incoming message queue are discarded. 

If the MQTT broker is not able to keep up with the client, the incoming message queue will eventually be full. When the queue is full, the MQTT broker discards any messages it receives from the client. 

This means your client must throttle itself to avoid losing messages. You do this by publishing your messages with QoS 1. Your client must then wait to receive an acknowledgement from the broker before publishing more messages. This can be done in Python with the paho-mqtt <>_ library with the function wait_for_publish:
#! /usr/bin/env python

import time
import json
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

broker_host = ''
broker_port = 8883
heartbeat = 60

client = mqtt.Client(client_id='<your client_ID name>')
client.connect(broker_host, broker_port, heartbeat)

# Remember to start the loop in order to receive QoS acknowledgements

for i in range(0,10000):
    timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000)
    message = json.dumps({'timestamp': timestamp, 'value': i})
    # Publish with QoS1 ('qos=1') and wait to receive QoS acknowledgements from broker
    message_info = client.publish('my-topic', message, qos=1)
    message_info.wait_for_publish(timeout = 10) # will timeout after 10 seconds if ack not received

4. Batch Upload

In case you need to upload large amount of data either historical or non-time critical data it is beneficial to use the batch upload methods. There is a batch upload procedure which either can be called as HTTP command using “curl” – this is intended for manual upload, or it can be imbedded in a Python script. 

4.1 Batch import HTTP API

To import data from csv-files you need to:

  1. format the .csv files according to the instructions below.
  2. create the upload in the database
  3. get the upload url
  4. upload the file to s3
  5. validate the file
  6. ingest the file

There is a python helper class that makes this easier, see the next section

4.1.1 Authorization and headers

In all the http requests to below you need to add an authorization header and an accept header. The authorization must be a bearer token, where the token is a batch import data token, that the user can create in the api token section of the ui

Here is an example of the headers, with a fictional token: 

Authorization: Bearer bzkMFuZgTzsuOldud98fJ5RkRHBI4Uoprdub1R" 

Accept: application/json 

4.1.2 Format file

The file must be formatted as CSV according to RFC4180 RFC4180. Additionally, if the file contains non-ascii characters, the file should be encoded as UTF-8.

The first row of the CSV file must contain headers. The header of a given column identifies the datastream to which the column’s data must be imported. The header can either be the 1     2  topic associated with the given datastream, e.g. my/topic or the datastream ID, e.g. 19323. The first column of the first row is ignored.

Every row after the header contains a timestamp in the first column. The rest of the columns contain the values applicable for the given datastream at the given timestamp.

The timestamps must be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z], e.g. 2021-05-01T10:12:44.432Z for May 1st 2023, 10:12:44.432 UTC . The timestamp must be in UTC timezone.

The type of the data in a column must match the datatype of the datastream to which the column belongs. If a datastream is an integer, any values for that datastream must be integers as well.

If a field is left empty, the handling depends on the datatype of the corresponding datastream. If the datastream is of type string, an empty string will be imported. If the datastream is of type integer or double, no value will be imported.

Below is an example file. Note that the first datastream (117217) is of type string, the second datastream (my/topic) is of type double and the last datastream (119221) is of type integer.



2021-03-10T20:24:31.144Z;"another string";999888777.121;0

2021-03-10T20:24:32.161Z;a third string;-1.33e-16;45



Note the empty fields in row 5 (datastream 117217) and row 6 (my/topic). For datastream 117217, an empty string will be imported with timestamp 2021-03-10T20:24:33.186Z. For datastream my/topic, no value will be imported with timestamp 2021-03-10T20:24:34.201Z. 

4.1.3 Create the upload

To create an import, post an import name to, with the import as an url parameter.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer
bzkMFuZgTzsuOldud98fJ5RkRHBI4Uoprdub1R" -H "Accept:
application/json" -X POST -G –data-urlencode

# Response example

# {"user_id":11,"status":"stored","name":"batch-import-example2","updated_at":"2023-03-27T08:20:36.000000Z","created_at":"2023-03-27T08:20:36.000000Z","id":1340}

Show and delete

By calling get or delete on the endpoint you can see or delete an import with the id 1340

4.1.4 Get the upload url

Get the upload url with the id returned in the creation above: 

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer 
zGefiozgtCOfW70jnydNkTF35WOctQUnEMGAYKpi" -H "Accept: application/json"

# Response example 
# { 
#  "upload_url":
" af186c81e0c0b"

4.1.5 Upload the file

Upload the file using curl, the python helper script in or see the minio documentation for alternatives.

In the following curl example the file-path used is batch-import-example.csv

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -data-binary "@batch-import-example.csv"
" af186c81e0c0b" > /dev/null

4.1.6 Validate the file

To validate the file format and data, send a PUT to, in the following example the import id 1340 is used

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer
bzkMFuZgTzsuOldud98fJ5RkRHBI4Uoprdub1R" -H "Accept:
application/json" -X PUT"

A correct request will just accept the task. To see the status of the validation you need to post a GET request as specified in section 2.1. On the returned import will be a status and any errors.

4.1.7 Ingest the file

To ingest the file format and data, send a PUT to, in the following example the import id 1340 is used

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer
bzkMFuZgTzsuOldud98fJ5RkRHBI4Uoprdub1R" -H "Accept:
application/json" -X PUT"

A correct request will just accept the task. To see the status of the ingestion you need to post a GET request as specified in section 2.1. On the returned import will be a status and any errors. 

4.2 Batch import python API

This is the documentation for a class made to make importing into easier from Python. The code can be found in this repository:


class EnergyDataImport()

A simple class to make batch importing to easier from Python

This class handles building a csv file in the correct format to be used for importing to via the batch API. The batch API itself is documented seperately (see previous section). This class can handle everything from creating the propper csv to uploading, validating and ingesting the file. You can check the ‘’ script for an example of how to use this class.

4.2.1 __init__

__init__(upload_filename: str, properties: List, sftp_username: str, sftp_password: str, energydata_api_token: str, overwrite: bool = False, tmp_dir: str = '/tmp/energydata_batch_uploud', autoclean_tmp_files: bool = True) 

Constructor for class. Create an instance of EnergydataImport for each batch of data you want to upload. An instance can not be reused between multiple imports. 


  • upload_filename str – A filename for the import file generated behind the scenes. A local file in tmp_dir will be created with this name, and the same filename is used when uploading to the SFTP server.
  • properties List – List of properties to which data will be added. Can be either property id’s or topics.
  • sftp_username str – Username for the sftpserver on ‘’ from where batch imports run. Ask an admin for access credentials.
  • sftp_password str – Password for the sftpserver on ‘’ from where batch imports run. Ask an admin for access credentials.
  • energydata_api_token str – Api token as found in:
  • overwrite bool, optional – If a local file with filename {tmp_dir}/{upload_filename} or a file with on the SFTP upload folder with {upload_filename} is found, this setting will control whatever we should overwrite the file or not. Defaults to False.
  • tmp_dir str, optional – A directory for temporarily storing data file before they are uploaded to SFTP. Defaults to ‘/tmp/energydata_batch_upload’.
  • autoclean_tmp_files bool, optional – If this parameter is set to False the files generated in tmp_dir will not be removed once import context is closed. Defaults to True.

4.2.2 add_values

add_values(time: datetime, values: List) 

Call while in open state to keep adding values to be batch imported. 


  • time datetime – Timestamp for values to be added
  • values List – A list of the values to be added


  • Exception  – An exception is raised if the time argument is a datetime object without any timezone information
  • Exception The length of the values list must be equal to the number of properties passed in the constructor, otherwise an exception is raised.

4.2.3 upload


When all values have been added using add_values method, this method can be called to upload the generated csv file to the SFTP server, and create a import job with the API. Once called, state of the job will transition from open to uploading, uploaded and finally to stored once the job is created. 


  • print_progress bool, optional – Whatever the upload progress should be continiously printed. Defaults to True.

4.2.4 validate

validate(block=True, print_progress=True)

When in stored state, this method can be called to trigger validation of the data to be imported. This will happen by calling the corresponding validate endpoint on State will transition from stored to validating and finally to ready. 


  • block bool, optional – Whatever this method should block while validation is in progress. Defaults to True.
  • print_progress bool, optional – Whatever the upload progress should be continuously printed. Defaults to True.

4.2.5 ingest

ingest(block=True, print_progress=True)

When in ready state, this method can be called to trigger ingestion of the data to be imported. This will happen by calling the corresponding ingest endpoint on State will transition from ready to ingesting and finally to done. 


  • block bool, optional – Whatever this method should block while ingestion is in progress. Defaults to True. 
  • print_progress bool, optional – Whatever the upload progress should be continuously printed. Defaults to True. 

4.2.6 refresh_status


This method can be used to manually refresh and sync the internal state of the import job with the state in If for instance validate is called with block=False, this method must be used to refresh the state before ingest can be called, once validation has completed on the server. 


  • [type] – Return the current status as in the form of an enum of type EnergyDataImport.Status.