User guide

The user guide provides a step-by-step overview of how to use It covers various aspects such as creating an account, generating your own datasets, sharing with project members and uploading data to the platform. It covers various aspects such as creating an account, generating your own datasets, sharing with project members, and uploading data to the platform.


We have compiled a series of short video guides to help you get started with using The illustrative videos cover the most common functions, such as creating an account, generating your own datasets, sharing with project members, and uploading data to the platform.

API descriptions

The API documentation includes a description of the three APIs provided by the platform:

Data stream
The API is designed to download either the latest measurement for one or more data streams or data for a historical period.

The API is used to upload (publish) data to one or more datastreams or download (subscribe to) one or more datastreams. Multiple values can be published simultaneously, and MQTT's Quality of Service (QoS) is supported.

Batch upload
The API can be used if you need to upload a large amount of data, either historical or non-time-critical data.